Friday, March 11, 2011

LBT 3 : Butter Cake -- Bundt cake

Butter cake

Sebelum baking, browsing dulu tentang butter cake

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A butter cake is a cake in which one of the main ingredients is butter. Butter cakes consist of taking the most basic of ingredients butter, sugar, eggs, flour, and a leavening agent (baking powder or baking soda) and transforming them into a baked good.
These cakes are considered one of the quintessential cakes in American baking.[citation needed] They find their origins in the English pound cake, which traditionally used equal parts of butter, flour, sugar, and eggs to produce a heavy, rich cake.


The invention of baking powder and other chemical leavening agents during the 19th century substantially increased the flexibility of this traditional pound cake by introducing the possibility of creating lighter, fluffier cakes using these traditional combinations of ingredients, and it is this transformation that brought about the modern butter cake.


Butter cakes are traditionally made using a creaming method, in which the butter and sugar are first beaten until fluffy to incorporate air into the butter. Eggs are then added gradually, creating an emulsion, followed by alternating portions of wet and dry ingredients. Butter cakes are often considered to be unsurpassed in their richness and moistness when stored at room temperature, but they tend to stiffen, dry out, and lose flavor when refrigerated, making them unsuitable for filling or frosting in advance with ingredients that must be refrigerated, such as cream cheese frosting and pastry cream.


Aku memilih resep bundt cake dari Sedap untuk PR kali ini. Cake ini asalnya dari Jerman, kalau dilihat dari pembuatannya memakai cara butter cake. Penamaannya datang dari loyangnnya yang disebut loyang bundt. Loyang dengan lubang ditengahnya dan motif yang ramai disisinya. Karena ga punya loyangnya, aku buat dengan cup cake

Bundt cake
Sedap 4/XI/2010
Hasil : 12 cup cake

3 butir telur
75 gr gula pasir halus
150 gr mentega
150 gr tepung
25 gr maizena (dilarutkan dengan susu)
50 ml susu cair
50gr gula pasir (dikocok dengan putih telur)
1/2 sdt poppy seed : aku ga pake
1/4 sdt vanila pasta : aku ga pake
50 gr choho chip : aku ga pake

50 gr almond slice : aku ga pake

Cara membuat:
1/. Kocok mentega and gula sampai mengembang
2/. Masukkan kuning telur satu per satu bergantian dengan tepung sambil terus dikocok dengan speed rendah
3/. Masukkan larutan maizena dan vanila pasta
4/. Masukkan poppy seed, choco chip dan almond
5/. Kocok putih telur sampai mengembang, masukkan gula sedit demi sedikit
6/. Tambahkan putih telur ke adonan
7/. Masukkan ke dalam paper cup, oven sampai matang (25 menit suhu 180 derajat)

Nah dimajalah Sedap ini penampakan Bundt cake pakai loyang yang motifnya rame. Jadinya cantik ya

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