Friday, April 05, 2013

Wisata Kuliner Thailand

This pictures was taken from my business trip in Thailand last year. Similar as Nagi goreng and tumis kangkung.. but.. not really same as casual Indonesian food. Seems more spies added

The food is nice, present with Orchid (something that never done in here), this one is kind of seafood ote2 and spinach crunchy. Also some salad for healthy living:)

Shrimp with paprika. In Thailand, they have more bigger shrimp than ours. This picute is a small one.

I think every body know this, the famous tom yam soup. Spicy and really tasty. Never seen dan taste similar in here.

Clam with sauce, nice one also

Big Shrimp, they said it's not the big one, Wow !!
Mr Crab on the plate. This is nice especially after deeping it to the green sauce

This is also shrip with different presentation

Finally ending with desert, mango with sweet rice:)

Can't wait to have my next visit to Thailand

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Bubur Sum Sum Pandan

Dear Bu host yg cantik2,

Mau setor untuk NCC JTIW. Resep ini membuatnya gampang sekali dan cocok untuk dijadikan sarapan ataupun bekal ke sekolah.
Untuk bekal, kincanya ditaruh diwadah terpisah sehingga buburnya ga benyek.

Bubur SumSum Pandan
Resep : NCC Modifikasi Kue Bubun

40gram Tepung Beras -> aku pakai rosebrand
100ml Santan Kental Instant -> aku pakai kara
400ml Air
1/2sdt Garam
2lbr Daun Pandan
1 sdm pasta pandan

100 gr Gula Merah dilarutankan dengan 200ml air

Cara Membuat:
1. Campur santan dengan air aduk rata
2. Ambil sebagian larutan air santan, campur dengan tepung Beras, aduk rata
3. Masak larutan air santan + daun pandan + garam sambil diaduk, masukkan larutan tepung beras, aduk rata, sampai adonan mengental dan matang
4. Angkat
5. Sajikan dengan kincal gula merah